mini brand review

The perfect way to see your brand is through fresh eyes!

Your brand is everything - it can mean, in an instant:
Yes, I want to work with that person…or…
No, they’re not for me…
It’s too important to leave to chance.

You know sometimes you’re so involved with what you’re doing you can’t see the wood for the trees?
When you’ve been staring at something for so long you can’t tell if it’s working or not?

Identify what is and isn’t working with a Mini Brand Review!

Get clarity on your visuals and messaging. A professional brand review helps you see your colours, fonts, logos and overall message as your audience would - and you get the feedback to know how to make it work better for you!

You’ll learn the easiest ways to improve and makes changes right away.

Ideal for small businesses and startups, I’ll look at your online presence (website, social media channels, e-mail newsletters) and will instantly see the image you are projecting to the world, using the combination of my intuitive and creative skills.

Stop second guessing, hoping and wondering.
Get clarity and direction.

You’ll get a report featuring:

• The message you are portraying
• What the perception of your brand is likely to be
• The influence this might have on your audience and ideal clients
• Areas of improvement
• Suggestions of ways to improve
• Constructive, actionable format
• Optional 30 min zoom to discuss your Mini Brand Review in detail

After ordering, you'll be redirected to an intake form. Please answer the questions in detail for the best review possible.

Your Mini Brand Review will be delivered to you within 3 business days of ordering.


Mini Brand Review